This blog was brought about by one and ONLY one thing - BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE.

Join my journey as a young housewife in another country armed only with limited articles of clothing and a good sense of practicality against the ever-changing four seasons. My personal challenge is to survive a year with just the things I came with. Emergency clothes purchases should not go above $10.

Help me by following my blog and holding me accountable on this self-imposed challenge.

Timer starts now!


Food on my mind

This photo was taken a month ago when my cravings were so crazy. That day I was imagining eating a thick, juicy hamburger with melted cheese, bacon and tomatoes.

Autumn afternoon

I though I was just getting the pre-menstrual bloated feeling because I noticed that day I can hardly close my belt (which was low-waist), I did not know that I was already growing a baby then! Hehehe

Suddenly everything seems appealing and edible! I never thought I could eat so much, it would put all carpenters to shame! =))

Taken 4 days ago. Still not showing.

Lately, I've been leaning towards comfortable clothing. Mainly because I am too lazy to dress up (I get dizzy easily) and it's too cold now to be wearing dresses.

See you soon! =)

1 comment:

  1. chic outfits!! Good to see another canberra blogger!!
